Friday, January 28, 2011

HBD my dearest DECKY ARRIZAL :)

Birthday Comments

hello my dear Decky Arrizal
Happy Birthday honey
i wish you have a very best thing in every way in your life
happiness, successful
and may Allah bless your life

Birthday Comments

Thursday, January 20, 2011

killing me !

you must to see this//

i'll telll you bout this music before the awesome video.
here are the lyrics of the songs from my favorite band, She&Him..
the song title is "Don't Look Back"

Orpheus melted the heart of Persephone, but I never had yours
I followed you back to the end of the path, but I never found the door
And you can work to save your love
You can bear it from the earth below
You can work but you can't let go
Oh, oh but you have to know
Don't look back all you'll ever get is the dust from the steps before
I don't have to see you every day, but I just want to know you're there
Quietly took to the dark of the day and the hiss of the summer night
The heat of the breeze was a cell block wall and when I looked you were out of sight
And you can work to save your love
You can bear it from the earth below
You can work but you can't let go
Oh, oh but you have to know
Don't look back all you'll ever get is the dust from the steps before

i'll give you a link to that music video :
you will not regret to see that, trust me :)

oke here i put some picture that i print screened when i watch this video.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

one nite trip

welcoming holiday, me and friends went to Maja House and Sari Ater Hot Springs.
we caled it " MAGER " (MAja jeunG ciatER) haha
here are some photos when we freaking out at Maja House

after it, we go to Sari Ater Springs, Lembang.
Feels great when we take a hot water bath in the middle of the night

we're there until 3am, and then we go to take some food, cause we are so hungry haha
but i feel so sleepy..

well done.
it's a lot of fun :)
thanks to all my friends, and my boy friends who taking me to that place.
i love you all :*

Friday, January 7, 2011

lunch the movie

for the first week on this year
we decided to go to the cinema to watch "The Tourist" movie
and i still have some free ticket from kompas

and..woooooooooooow !!
is that a really cool movie !
the cast
the stories
yes i really excited with the place, VENICE
i want to go to thereeeee
please bring me to there my booy :D
romantic place ever

oke back to the movies
me so in love with all of you

Saturday, January 1, 2011


when everybody shout "Happy New Year"
when all of people are soluble in joy
when their throws many of fireworks
when my twiter timeline are full of "new year" greeting
when many television broadcasted the new year program
i felt nothing/
nothing special--its like the other night
when everybody counting down the time
3.. 2.. 1..

(i just follow to greeting the new year)
yes, i feel nothing
i just realize one thing
that.. time goes by
i need to change to better life, to a better person
to be more mature