Monday, February 14, 2011

my lucky number one

WOW i'm so exited !!!
In this early February,i've been atanding the first indoor fashion market in Bandung , yeah, Trademark Market event at Paris Van Java Mall, Bandung.
i've try to keep my money until this event, but too much money out from my wallet, and my atm fuh. i cant keep my money. me so confused with that.
but who knoooows, i think this month is my lucky month uhuy! i've got some voucher from winning some quiz. yeah i'm feel so lucky certainly :)
And this is the voucher that i get..

1. I win Twitter quiz from Trademark event, Maja house, and @Infobdg, i think that the voucher is can be used to shop when Trademark event, but it turned out to be used in Maja House. yaah not bad lah, 250K is a biog nominal and i can used it to get dinner with my boyfriend later :)

2. the second i win again and again twitter quiz, from Mikka Clothing. I just tried it just to fun, and not really sure to get it. BUT, AGAIN i'v GOT the SHOPPING VOUCHER, YEAH !! :) i'm so happy yuhuuuu!!

3. not finished yet, i'vw got a voucher again from Trademark, hmm agaiiin i expect that i've got the shopping voucher, but, in fact i just got the voucher and gift from JNC cookies. yah but it really not bad, i got 5 cookie jar. haha.

THATS WHY i called this month is MY LUCKY SWEETY LOVELY MONTH :)

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